Jumat, 02 November 2012


hi i wahyuni ​​this time will post material ipa on
I learned that last week :)

Compared with other biotic components, the human organism is a type that has a strong influence on this earth. The ability of humans to adapt to the changing environment and the environment in accordance with the wants, causing the human population is increasing rapidly.
Human behavior that tends to harm the environment, such as burning forests, combating pests and chemicals, turning a variety of natural ecosystems into artificial ecosystems, negative impact on the ecosystem. The following describes the various negative impacts on ecosystems due to overexploitation by humans.
1. Fragmantasi and Habitat Degradation
Increasing world population causing more and more land is needed to support human well-being, as it is required to support human well-being, such as land for agriculture, housing, industry and so forth.
Fragmentation of habitats such as occur in areas cleared or encroached upon, thus leaving a small forest. Harvested or cleared impacts include changes in community structure of forest and tree mortality on the edge of the forest due to high exposure to wind and sunlight.
Fragmentation and degradation of habitat led to the emergence of other issues such as the death of the organism due to the loss of a source of food and shelter and a decline in the diversity of sources of food and shelter and a decline in the diversity of species in the habitat.

2. Dependently Energy Flow in the Ecosystem
Natural ecosystems are destroyed and converted into artificial ecosystems can result in changes in the flow of energy in the ecosystem. For example, when the process is complete logging or burning of forests, the forest area is then planted with one plant species (monoculture). This causes the flow of the original energy is komleks, between different types of producers (trees large and small), consumer (assorted animals), detritivora (fungi, bacteria, etc.), a simplified energy flow, ie one types of producers (eg rice), some consumers, and detrivor.
3. Some species Adverse Resistance
The use of pesticides and excessive biotic to kill the populations of harmful organisms (pests or pathogens) can lead to the emergence of a population of organisms that are resistant to pesticides and antibiotics. Pests are not or less sensitive (immune) to certain pesticides can withstand the use of pesticides.
Similarly, if the antibiotics are overused, ie in doses that are too high or the frequency too often. Populations of pathogenic species that can survive doses of antibiotics will result in species populations multiply resistant pathogens.
4. The loss of important species in the ecosystem
Every organism has an important role in an ecosystem. For example, in rice ecosystems, the loss of the presence of predators such as birds, snakes, and sabagainya can increase the population of other organisms, such as mice fed rice yields will decline and will be reduced.
5. Foreign Species Introduction
Introduction or inclusion of species from one ecosystem to the other ecosystems tingka usually aim to improve human welfare. However, the introduction of alien species can also be detrimental, because sometimes in the new ecosystem, species have no natural predators. Insects which are predators Neochetine eichhorniae hyacinth plants and can control water hyacinth in the waters of the population does not live in Indonesia.
6. Reduced Renewable Natural Resources
Wood, horn, ivory, and so is a natural resource that can be renewed. Despite its renewable nature, use and excessive exploitation can reduce the amount and quality decreases. This causes the quality of the wood and the regeneration rate decreased.
7. Recycling materials dependent on the Ecosystem
Along with the increase in population, the level of human activity will also increase. Increased human activity in the world affects the biogeochemical cycle. For example, the carbon cycle was disrupted by the increasing fuel use.

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