Kamis, 06 Desember 2012


How to Write Not Numbers and Not Beams
Long time I have not touched this blog, because of busy that I can not leave.
Now I will take the desire to attend bring a bit of experience I want to share on my friends, is "How to Write Numbers and Notation Notation Beams".

Maybe a lot of friends who actually know how long, but I do not think there Asalahnya when I wrote it here, with my version.
And I really hope there is from a friend who is willing to add, give feedback, and opinions of others, because frankly is still a lot I want to know and learn in "How to Write Numbers and Notation Notation Beams" like this.
Here is an example of scores that will be discussed.

In making the above notation I use Sibelius software and fonts Kepatihan Pro. (To know about Kepatihan Pro, please visit this

The steps are:
1. Install Font Kepatihan Pro which you can download at the following links complete with instructions:
• KepatihanPro PostScript for Macintosh
• KepatihanPro TruType for Macintosh
• KepatihanPro Window
Actually Kepatihan Pro font is made to write the notation kepatihan. However I think there is no harm if we do not use in writing regular figures, because some symbols / functions are available in the Pro Kepatihan font.

Thing that struck me the most basic to know in this guide Kepatihan Pro is the next two pages:

2. Once installed, please try to write a melody in Microsoft Word. For example:

Times New Roman font:
0 j @ j! . j.j 5 j7j! j7j 6. . J0J j4j 4 5 6 j.j! j! j @ j! j 7. .

Block letters on top and then change the font to Kepatihan Pro, then the result is:

(In addition to using the font Kepatihan Pro, then I will also try to use Font Notation A figure made by Henri Yulianto, Font NotAngka2 made by Joas Adiprasetya and andrefont04.ttf).
3. Now we are trying to write music notation software notation numbers, here I use Sibelius - see tutorial here.

4. The first step is to write the melody with block notation.

5. After the melody with the notation beams are finished, now we make a notation numbers.
6. In Sibelius open tool window - properties, it would appear:

7. Then right click on the page Sibelius. Select the text - lyrics - lyrics click above staff
8. Place (click) not to be given not points.
9. Towards box properties: at writing lyrics text appears above staff, change font (usually Times New Roman) with letter Kepatihan Pro.
The result will be like this:

Note, there are still some that have not been written note (marked red).

10. To complete the unwritten notes. Then copy and paste the notes are not flagged, for example, the circled dot green. after the copy-paste drag to the left not the unwritten notes numbers, by using the arrows on the keyboard. For example, to mark a break of the earliest (A red alert - the far left). Then replace the dot with a value not required, here marked "0".
11. The next step is to copy-paste again the "point" and then drag it to note that other figures not yet written.
12. Red marks B: copy-paste dot near the "B" and write jj space (not 5-existing rather than delete).
13. Red alert C: copy-paste dot near the "C" and then drag it to the right as it is.
14. Red marks D: copy-paste dot near the "C" and drag near 4 D. then type a space J0J
15. E red mark with 13 points.
The results will be as follows:

This step in my move quickly and get a neat result.
Actually there is another way but the results did not figure I was less tidy (depends on our accuracy).
That is by using a text - Other Staff Text - Plain text in Sibelius. This method can directly fill all the notes.

Maybe so my little experience, may be useful. Once again I apologize for delivery is still confusing. I hope that none of my friends who are willing to add this tutorial.
Thank you.

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