Rabu, 26 September 2012


Indonesia, as a nation we must know what is true in our country now I will be the entry of our country regarding okay let us read and practice it
The values
​​of Pancasila as the state, is used to:

 Code of conduct
Decision making and implementing the organizers state government
Besides humanitarian budipekerti maintain and uphold the lofty ideals of morality.

Pancasila as the source of value, which indicates the identity of the Indonesian people who reject all forms of oppression, occupation of one nation against another nation.
The values
​​of Pancasila as a source of reference in formulating ethical life of the nation for all Indonesian people
In other words, the Pancasila as the development paradigm as a conceptual framework, sources of value, basic orientation, the source principle, the direction, the purpose of the development and changes in certain processes.
Pancasila as the foundation of political development practice avoids political practice was immoral and dignity as a nation that has a moral ideals and noble character.
Pancasila as the paradigm of development law, as in any formulation of national legislation which should always pay attention to and accommodate the aspirations of the people1) Pancasila as the basis for the legal establishment of aspirational.
2) Pancasila as the source of values
​​and resources for the development of legal norms.
3) the ideals of Pancasila as the most fundamental law in the Homeland.
4) Pancasila as the source of the rule of law in Indonesia.
Pancasila as a source of normative social and cultural aspects of development that is based on human values, the value of the Godhead, and the value of civility. Among them:
1) It is grown ashamed of making mistakes and culture as opposed to religious moral values
​​and noble culture.
2) It is grown in a culture of exemplary behavior of both formal and informal leaders at all levels of society
Pancasila as the foundation of value in the implementation of economic development for the welfare of the Indonesian people to shy away from free competition, monopoly can make people suffer and are oppressed.

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