Rabu, 26 September 2012


this time I will post the science of materials that ecosystem ipa

What is the real ecosystem, which usually exist in subjects in primary school first, to better explain what the ecosystem and understanding, perhaps some understanding below can make us understand the meaning of the ecosystem.Our current understanding of ekosistemSebenarnya also live in a very organized system of ecosystems and reciprocity, people need each other and influence each other, and a life is created by the ecosystem is so perfect, of course, all this is a set that is Allah SWT.While the definition of ecosystem is an ecological system that is formed by the inseparable interrelationship between living things can be said with lingkungannya.Ekosistem also an order of unity completely and thoroughly between all the environmental elements that affect each other.Ecosystem is an amalgamation of every unit biosystem involving reciprocal 
interactions between organisms and the physical environment so that a flow of energy toward a particular biotic structure and there is a cycle between organisms and anorganisme.Matahari material as the source of all the energy that isEcosystems can also be recognized in ecology.

 Ecology comes from the word oikos means house and widespread means of natural household and the definition of the word logos is ilmu.Jadi ecology is a branch of biology that studies everything about domestic nature or science that studies the relationship between living with the surrounding environment .Ecosystems are interconnected to each other to make each life intertwining ecosystems ranging from small to large, and those that are smaller are formed into a wide variety of ecosystems and a huge ecosystem.Type type of ecosystem today is marine ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems and the other artificial ecosystems, all of which are filled with a variety of life, so it seems fairly News Indonesia to discuss the many different types of ecosystems and Understanding Ecosystems, may be useful and adds insight into all of us

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