Senin, 22 Oktober 2012


Spare Your Mother, Whatever condition ....

In a village there was a child who was junior and only has a mother. However, the boy hated her mother, because she only has one eye. Memanggap boy until he had a mother. Then at the time was working, he went out of the village and work outside the city.

And the boy's got a wife and he too became wealthy officials rich kid! 10 Years have passed. The boy already had two children, laki2 and women. Then the mother of the village looking for his son in the city because it was 10 years are not met. and finally the mother found the child home. Mom son and even then was surprised because the house is huge!!! and knocked at the door of the house, he opened the door grandchildren. Then his grandson said "PAPAAA, MAMAA SOMEONE GILAA DATANGG KERUMAAH!". son is rich enough to meet the mother and said, "Sorry mom was Who is this?? '. The mother replied, "This boy's mother, son, do not you remember?? '. the wife said "honey, you have a mother why bilang2? '. and her mother said "no, my mother is long dead. Moreover, she is not disabled just like him. " expel the child's own mother.

A few days later the boy wanted his mother to just meet it. then gone home siapa2. He asked the people, and the man replied "Your mother died two days ago." The boy replied nonchalantly "oh, good thing there was no longer a bully", then the it says "before she died, she left a" resident it gave the letter to the child. then the child reads and somehow the child crying and bowing.

The letter said: "O my son, the mother know that you hate the mother because she only has one eye. but really, when you were born your eyes just one. father upset because he left his mother alone. and because mothers feel sorry for you, mom finally gave one mother's eyes just for you son. mother does not say it's because she was afraid you grieve. but you actually hate the mother. sorry mom son as useless in this world. "

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