Kamis, 03 Januari 2013


Controller medium Puts Off The Light
Controller medium puts off the light basically available four highlights, which is
1.      intensity
To restrain lamplight of a moon to dark or no moon to brightness usually being used by the so called tool dimmer . With this tool, each satuan puts off the light that diapsang on stage gets to be restrained by beginning of full lighting, subsiding slow, puff out absolutely, conversely. Prescriptive stage lamplight intensity besides dimmer also its lamp force (its watt) and dimension of that lamp housing. 
A light orderer gets to manage needful highest intensity for each bandstand region that wanted by its lighting. Every tipa channel dimmer can be utilized to give balance intensity cahay that of each its source. Ideal ala is provided that skeneri (gesture atmosphere on stage) each scene can be resulted from lighting each its source. Next scene may will consisting of usufruct lighting that variably its intensity formation frequent despite to be used deep channel dimmer  same.
2.      color
Color also its role essential as tool of light intensity controller. At technological state goes forward already long time utilize electricity light intensity as tool of bandstand light main, on century XV not even differentiate lamplight intensity among comedy and tragedy, but then also differentiate wana's manner its light. Warm colors used to light komdei, meanwhile cold color used to tragedy light. Such colour conception it stills in common and still a lot of be used until for the moment, but also light colour surprise myriads one were created by ala craft that become daring.
Light colour purpose at absorbing bandstand because of its unique character. At one the party have objektif's character because of measuring it definitely, e.g., its light source, its lamp force, its lamp housing, media or filter (filter) its color, every thing definitely. But, lamplights colour focus that while rebound from object or apt characterization spotted, its color bounce one until audience eye can changed.
At any other party, color has subjektif's character or has psychological factor because willingness stage manager which more interest to color bounce characterizations at winks audience. Thus, necessary alone adeptness for a light orderer for mengolah objketif's factors and subjektif. Not even needful science which visceral, but then also experience which ripe to get all the best result.
3.      distribution
Distribution is concentration, broadcast, and lamplight aim. It will communicate too with many a minimum total lamps, there are many a minimum total lamp instrumental types, and position place puts off the light that. Especial lamplight distribution quality gave by each its equipment type (special light lamp or common light lamp), outgrow its light little determined by dimmer's purpose, sharply or its tender lines prescribed light by its light incidence angle go to target, and other as it. Each equipment hinges from type it forms various lighting effect. Place domiciles that lamp is led terminological kemamuan light orderer by virtue of light plots( light plots).  Sunny light to be led there, glimmer at hither lead, and so on that the whole lot is led and is arranged making for target platis and composition that gets visual's effect.
There is three distribution controller peripherals interrelates lamplight, which is
1.      controller peripheral puts off the light common that result light that memencar
2.      controller peripheral puts off the light special that have mengempal's light, and
3.      controller peripheral that lies on light colour sort one was floodlit to go to same object surface. 
Fact proves that skeneri, costume, equipment, and even manner makes-up characterizations have various ability absorb danm memantulkan worth considering lamplight. It momentously to been taken into account deep light distribution in one peemntasan. Even a characterization which moves on stage get merubahj light distribution if be not been taken into account previous. It because of whole body, costume, and equipment that be taken in aadalah light reflector as well as part set another one.
4.      movement
Movement, which is change one or more light quality. This lamplight movement can happen because of a few things which is:
1.     Deliberate lamplight movement moved by bandstand body (manual) to follow characterization movement (usually been called follow spot ). 
2.     Ruled lamplight movement mechanical ala (there are many utilized by disco lamp). 
3.     meremang's lamplight movement (at m downwards) and menerang (at m rise), which is movement arrangement trend lamplight via dimmer's tool that its handle just gets to be enabled through mechanical parent or electric tool. 
Only by modern electronic tool, it can be performed with every consideration. One controller operator puts off the light (manual) can handle no more than three or four prisoners (resistensi) or autotransformer  one that available on hands( handle) dimmer  and it is lie even in agglomerate neighboring one. Light movement upon fashioned be walks to have is worked carefully. If don't, alarmed will mislead and miss of dramatik's points that will be reached. 
Besides, operator room puts off the light with person that restrains to put off the light has to have view heaving full onto bandstand. With demikia, it that mengoordinasikan can light movement or light change with its gesture. Lamplight movement will give various light dynamic quality staging if it follows composition pattern that nicely which is made bases poem taste point, music, visual, and rate demonstrates (theatrical taste).

Minggu, 09 Desember 2012


Animation an airplane
Make backround layer, in frame 1 buatalah box memeneuhi stage and give it the color that matches the color on the rainbow. Right-click the frame 160 and select insert frame. Key backround layer.
Bautlah new layer and name the layer "cloud", in frame 1 draw gumpulan cloud cloud layer and then converted into movie clips. Give the name "cloud". Put a cloud that is so outward sebeleh stage left.
• Click on the movie clip cloud and open action panel (f9). Then write the following script
onClipEvent (load) {
_y = 100 + random (400);
Xawal = _x;
Speed ​​= 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame {
_x + = speed;
If (_x> 800) {
_x = xawal;
_y = 100 + random (400);
• Copy the clouds movie clip into several pieces with the size and layout will vary but beyond stage left. Right click and select insert frame 160 frame is a key layer seteleh
• Create a new layer and name the layer plane. Right-click the layer plane frame 20 and the draw is made form aircraft group (ctrl + g)
• Put the aircraft is in frame 20 exit stage right, right click and select insert frame 50 keyfrem.geserlah an airplane picture is in the frame 50 to the middle of the stage kumudian create motion tween
• Right-click the layer plane frame 60 and select Insert keyfrem.lakukan also in the frame to 70. Slide the frame into 70 slightly above the plane and then create a motion tween
• Right-click the layer plane frame 80 and select Insert keyfrem.geser an airplane to slightly move then create a motion tween.
create a new layer then the layer name formula, make sure the layer is in the bottom layer pesawat.pada frame 50, write down the formula and put it at the back of the frame pesawat.isert keyfrem to 80 layer formula. In frame 50, resize write the formula and put it into a small way that an airplane can cover the last write
insert a keyframe at frame 120 and 160 to the plane layer and layer formula. Click on frame 160 layers an airplane and hold down the shift key and then click on the frame layer 160 formula, then the second object in the second stage will terseleksi.geser image / object they will exit stage left pane and then click the motion tween.


The course reviews the theory in terms of light and a staging mencahayakan benefits. Pedestal given to the following:
• The function and quality of light
• Aspects of the light rekabentuk
• The principle of electrically; recognize shapes series and parallel and use Ohm's law to solve the problem of currents, obstacles, Voltan and energy.
• optical aspect - namely aspects of reflection and refraction of light in a variety of surface types and characteristics reflector of light refraction.
• The type and function of the lights used in theater
• The use color in a staging that includes about color theory and color guard
• System pemalap [dimmer system] - manual and memory
• Creating a 'light plot' and form 'lighting cues'

1. Application of bright colors on the outside of one of the elements, such as the red brick on the fence, into the accent for the entire house.
2. Neutral colors for the facade of the building is better, but if you want to use a bright wana, apply in only one field.
3. The combination of brown with green color can make a room more serene atmosphere.
4. Light gray and green-brown able to bring brightness in the room.
5. In the room that looks monotonous color, add artificial light so that the room is more "live".
6. The colors are soft and dim artificial light that can provide warmth and familiarity atmosphere in living rooms and bedrooms.
7. Game wall with natural color will make the room more spacious.
8. Color natural wall different in each space will create a different atmosphere for each space.
9. Red brick fences, walls dark gray, and gray-brown walls make the house look more dynamic.
10. To eliminate dark impression in the bathroom, use a cream-colored ceramic on the walls and white on the floor.
Elements of decor also utilizes light to help a certain atmosphere. For example, bright light during the day implies, or light blue implies ambience evening. Light color is also used to accentuate the particular scene or character.


Democracy allows the people to determine their leaders through elections.
Democracy is a political form of government that government power comes from the people, either directly (direct democracy) or through representatives (representative democracy). [1] The term comes from the Greek δημοκρατία - (Demokratia) "people's power", [2] formed from the word δμος (Demos) "people" and κράτος (Kratos) "power", referring to the political system that emerged in the mid-5th and 4 BC in the ancient Greek city states, notably Athens following a popular revolution in the year 508 BC. [3] The term democracy first introduced by Aristotle as a form of government, the government outlined that power rests in the hands of the people (the people). [4] Abraham Lincoln in a speech Gettysburgnya defines democracy as "government of the people, by the people and for the people ". [5] This means that the supreme power in a democratic system is in the hands of the people and the people have rights, equal opportunities and a voice in regulating government policy. [6] Through democracy, decisions are taken by majority vote majority. [7]
Democracy was formed into a system of government in response to the public in Athens who want to voice their opinions. [5] With the system of democracy, one party absolute power through tyranny, dictatorship and authoritarian rule can be avoided. [5] Democracy provides for freedom of speech people, but in the early days of the formation of yet everyone can express their opinions but only men only. [8] In the meantime, women, slaves, foreigners and residents whose parents are not the people of Athens did not have the rights to it. [9] [8]
In Indonesia, the national movement also envisioned the establishment of the anti-democratic character of feudalism and anti-imperialism, in order to establish a socialist society. [10] Gus Dur, a cornerstone of democracy is justice, in the sense of opening up opportunities to all people, and the mean also the autonomy or independence of the person concerned to organize his life, according to what he wants. [11] The issue of justice is important, in the sense that every person has the right to determine their own way of life, but such rights must be respected and given the opportunity and assistance to achieve it. [11]

history of democracy
Before the term democracy invented by the Greeks, the simplest form of democracy has been discovered since 4000 BC in Mesopotamia. [9] At that time, the Sumerians had several independent city-state. [9] In every city of the country people often gather to discuss a issues and decisions were taken by consensus or agreement. [9]
It was only in 508 BC, the population of Athens in Greece form a system of government that was the forerunner of modern democracy. [9] Greece at that time consisted of 1,500 city states (poleis) are small and independent. [12] [3] The city-state has a system Different governments, there is an oligarchy, monarchy, tyranny and democracy. [3] Among them are Athena, the city tried a new governance model that time is direct democracy. [13] The originator of the first democracy was Solon , a poet and statesman. [3] The constitutional reform package which he wrote in 594 BC became the basis for democracy in Athens but Solon did not succeed to make changes. [3] Democracy can only be achieved by Kleisthenes hundred years later, a nobleman of Athens. [3] In a democracy, there is no representation in the government reverse any person representing himself with an opinion and choose the policy. [14] But of the approximately 150,000 residents of Athens, just a fifth which can be people and voice their opinions. [8]
Democracy is then copied by the Romans in 510 BC to 27 BC. [9] used the democratic system is a representative democracy where there are few representatives of the nobles in the Senate and the representatives of the common people in the Assembly. [14]
Democratic forms
Generally, there are two forms of democracy are direct democracy and representative democracy. [5]
Direct Democracy
Direct democracy is a form of democracy where all people vote or opinion in determining a decision. [5] In this system, each of the people represent themselves in choosing a policy so that they have a direct influence on the political situation that occurred. [5] The democratic system directly used in the early days of the emergence of democracy in Athens, where when there is a problem that must be resolved, all the people gathered together to discuss it. [5] In the modern era this system would be impractical because the general population of a country is quite large and assembled all the people in the forum are difficult. [5] In addition, this system requires high participation of the people, while modern people tend not to have time to learn all the political problems of the country. [5]
Representative democracy
In a representative democracy, all the people elect representatives through elections to express their opinions and make decisions for them. [5]
Democratic principles

People can freely express their aspirations in politics and social policy.
Democratic principles and prerequisites of the establishment of democracy has been accommodated in the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. [15] The principles of democracy, can be seen from the opinion Almadudi which became known as the "cornerstone of democracy". [16] According to him, the principles of democracy is : [16]
1. Sovereignty of the people;
2. Government based on the consent of the governed;
3. Majority rule;
4. Minority rights;
5. Guarantees of human rights;
6. Elections free, fair, and honest;
7. Equality before the law;
8. Due process of law;
9. Government restrictions are constitutional;
10. Pluralism social, economic and political;
11. Values ​​of tolerance, pragmatism, cooperation, and consensus.
Basic principles of democracy
The basic idea or the basic idea of ​​a democratic government is the recognition of human nature, that humans have essentially the same capabilities in social relationships. [17] Based on the basic idea is there are two basic principles of democracy, namely: [17]
1. The recognition of citizen participation in government, the election of representatives of the people for the people directly representative institutions, public, free, and confidential and honest and fair, and
2. Recognition of the nature and dignity of man, for example, the government action to protect human rights for the sake of the common good.
The characteristics of democratic government

Elections are directly reflect a good democracy
During its development, democracy becomes an order is received and used by almost all countries in the world. [4] The characteristics of a democratic government is as follows: [4]
1. The involvement of citizens (the people) in the political decision-making, either directly or indirectly (representative).
2. The recognition, respect and protection of human rights of the people (citizens).
3. The existence of equal rights for all citizens in all fields.
4. Judicial institutions and an independent judiciary as a law enforcement tool
5. Having the freedom and liberty for all citizens.
6. The existence of the press (media) are free to convey information and control behavior and government policy.
7. The existence of a general election to elect representatives who sit on people's representative institutions.
8. The existence of free elections, fair, to determine (choose) heads of state and government as well as members of the legislature.
9. Keragamaan the recognition of differences (ethnic, religious, class, and so on).